It wouldn't be a lie to say that Niagara Escapement is our second home.
We hung out here together through the closures playing games [I mean, we do have way more table space here than at home]
Now that we can welcome players back for our escape rooms, we're always looking forward to entertaining groups and talking board games with them.
Through the closures and playing the same few games over and over [hello - whistle mountain and Gloomhaven: jaws of the lion] it's finally time to invite people back to our building to play our games and talk with us in person.
I've compiled a list of lists. A list of different board games and reviews to write throughout 2021 - and it's got me really excited.
The posts will be shared and scattered among our various social media channels, but all of them will be accessible here as a set.
Look out for our soon to come board game review posts, and be sure to let us know if there's a particular game you'd like to see us play or write about!
